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Re: Two or more RCX:s?
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 15:13:40 GMT
787 times
The easiest way to have two RCXs communicate is using the "send command"
feature in Lego RCX Code (I think that's what it's called--I only have one
RCX, so I haven't paid close attention to that feature). Essentially, it
transmits a number from 0 to 255. One RCX can send this number, and the
program on the other RCX can be triggered by the number to do different
things. Sounds very basic--but actually it's quite flexible. Hmmm. Think of
it like the "Go Codes" in Rainbow Six ...

The same features exist in NQC, etc.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik LINUX MASTER <>
To: Lego MINDSTORMS mailinglist <>
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 10:10 AM
Subject: Two or more RCX:s?


I want two or more RCX to commnicate with each others so they can
follow, play etc.

How do I do that simple?, I don't need to have them fully AUTO


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