RE: Scout brick and IR
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:17:50 GMT
770 times
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Is there an IR port on the RDS? With that big old LCD, it would be sooooo
much better than the RCX if you could actually do real programming on it.
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Jeffrey Hazen wrote:
> I have one of each, but the RCX is far more interesting. I think the RDS
> would be fun for younger kids (it says 9+ on the box), but once you got the
> hang of it, you would quickly want the programming power of the RCX. My
> scout is still configured in the basic "out of the box" bug, and that's
> fun, but very limited.
> I am also curious what the programming extension might offer. I could
> imagine a menu driven LOGO interface, keeping with the target age group. I
> am worried that the extension might just be a pc driven interface to the
> menu items already in there...:>(
> On the other hand, it's interesting to see how much is already in there.
> The light sensor has a trainable threshold, and will respond differently
> to light, null, and dark. You can put a standard light sensor on the touch
> inputs. I wish I could figure out how to use the apparent proximity
> routine. This all leaves me cautiously optimistic that the programming
> extension will be interesting.
> I also wonder if anyone (far more adept than I ) in the group is thinking
> of looking at the ROM to see how different it is, and what's in there.
> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesper Kjaer []
> Sent: Thursday, October 21, 1999 4:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Scout brick and IR
> > All this leads up to this question: With LEGO releasing a programing
> > interface for the Scout next year, why do you think they would ditch so
> > much of the RCX firmware and then create something different that could
> > sill be programmed? Isn't that just reinventing the wheel?
> >
> > Please give any ideas or comments you may have.
> Best guess - to appeal to different segments of the market - the scout
> looks
> 'easy' to use for people with no computer or programming experience - but
> they still keep a door open for those of us that have computers and are
> crazy about programming things - I honestly think that they did the best to
> please all of us - and still try to make money (afterall that's what firms
> like Lego do) - raise your hand - how many of you people that have a RIS
> set
> will NOT be buying/or want to buy the RDS? - and of those of you that DO
> buy
> the RDS are pleased with the fact that this brick can be programmed as
> well?
> regards
> Jesper
Profanity is the one language that all programmers understand.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | RE: Scout brick and IR
| I have one of each, but the RCX is far more interesting. I think the RDS would be fun for younger kids (it says 9+ on the box), but once you got the hang of it, you would quickly want the programming power of the RCX. My scout is still configured in (...) (25 years ago, 21-Oct-99, to lugnet.robotics)
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