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Re: R: Save arrays in VB5
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 13:26:48 GMT
Joel Shafer <joel@connect.netAVOIDSPAM>
563 times
At 10:12 AM 9/27/99 +0100, you wrote:
If you dimension an array of (say) 100 elements as : DIM a(100) as integer
the array elements goes from 0 to 99, for a total of 100. So if
your loop searches for a 100th elements it comes out with the
"subscript out of range" error. Either restate the loop or esplicitly
dim the array differently using the keyword "to" as : DIM a(1 TO 100) as


Actually, when you say Dim a(100) as integer, the array contains 101
elements ranging from element 0 to element 100.  By default VB starts
arrays at the 0th element (this can be changed).  The Dim statement for
arrays doesn't specify the number of elements as you would suppose, but
rather specifies the upper boundary of the array.

Joel Shafer

Message has 1 Reply:
  R: R: Save arrays in VB5
Fantastic. All this time I believed it wrong. I checked and of course it's true, either on VB and on old QB. Thanks for that. Roberto -----Messaggio Originale----- Da: Joel Shafer <> A: Roberto Amato <> Cc: (...) (25 years ago, 6-Oct-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Save arrays in VB5
Does anyone know how to save an array in VB5? I have tried a for loop, but it always says subscript out of range. It shouldn't be out of range since I know how big the array is. Can anyone help? This is for a 2 step scanner program. (25 years ago, 24-Sep-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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