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Re: Motor Sensor (fwd)
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 12:27:40 GMT
Ben Williamson <benw@pobox.AVOIDSPAMcom>
1131 times
On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Jim Choate wrote:

----- Forwarded message from Kekoa Proudfoot -----

Subject: Re: Motor Sensor (fwd)
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 01:56:23 GMT

It's actualy not velocity, it's angular accelleration.

It's actually not angular acceleration, it's angular velocity.

----- End of forwarded message from Kekoa Proudfoot -----

Can't be dude. Re-read your basic mechanics. For *any* object to go in a
circle it's 'accelleration', otherwise there is no way to take into account
the change in vector of the velocity vector which is always chaning
(precessing in a circle). Last time I checked anytime a velocity vector
changed that was an accelleration (dv/dt).

No, it's actually not angular acceleration, it's angular velocity.

Constant rotation = constant angular velocity = zero angular acceleration.
The vector of angular velocity is parallel to the axis of rotation, and is
constant throughout the rotation.  There is linear acceleration as you
describe, but we're discussing angular.

Now, Einstein, enough pedantics - go build something.  ;)

- Ben.

Ben Williamson

Did you check the web site first?:

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Motor Sensor (fwd)
----- Forwarded message from Kekoa Proudfoot ----- Subject: Re: Motor Sensor (fwd) Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 01:56:23 GMT (...) It's actually not angular acceleration, it's angular velocity. ----- End of forwarded message from Kekoa Proudfoot ----- (...) (26 years ago, 9-Jun-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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