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 Robotics / 5182
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Re: rotation sensor question
Fri, 28 May 1999 20:18:52 GMT
1152 times
John A. Tamplin <> wrote:
On Fri, 28 May 1999, Luis Villa wrote:
A quick question for those of you that have rotation sensors- do they
spin freely, or would they add significant friction to a setup? I ask
because I'd like to experiment with a balancing problem, and would need
to measure the angle of a pole without significantly changing how it
falls.  I'm wondering if the angle sensors from Dacta will fill that
role. Please let me know...

There is very little turning resistance, but then this isn't a
ball-bearing shaft with lubrication.  It is probably as little as you can
expect from a Lego part.

As for using them for a balancing problem, Luis will probably want to gear
up the axle at the pivot point to get a more-accurate measurement than the
1/16th rotation that the rotation sensor provides.  This might add some
friction on its own, and will probably multiply the friction at the
rotation sensor by the gear ratio.  Not that big a deal, it just means he
might have to beef up the size of the pole, and therefore the size of the
whole system (except the rotation sensor and associated gears).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: rotation sensor question
I had already planned on something similar. I think (at the moment) that the additional weight will not be too subtantial, and a certain amount of friction will be beneficial, as the reaction time of the system will not be spectacularly fast, or (...) (26 years ago, 28-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: rotation sensor question
(...) There is very little turning resistance, but then this isn't a ball-bearing shaft with lubrication. It is probably as little as you can expect from a Lego part. John A. Tamplin Traveller Information Services jat@LiveOnTheNet.COM 2104 West (...) (26 years ago, 28-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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