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RE: Three-wheel Synchro Drive
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 16:26:56 GMT
Jonathan Knudsen <>
1144 times
Yes, ideally the wheels should be placed on their axis of
vertical rotation. The solution I adopted was to try to
offset the wheels from the vertical axis by their radius.
The robot I built does turn in place, almost without moving.

There was quite a bit of discussion on the difficulties
of synchro drive on this list. If you're interested,
go to the discussion group area at and search for "synchro drive".


At 04:14 PM 3/3/99 GMT, Graham, J. Todd wrote:
I've tried the same synchro designs using a 4 wheeler, and, although close,
they are not perfectly designed.  With the design provided, the wheels are
not centered under the turntable.  The operation is good in principle; the
wheels do all orient towards the same direction and travel is successful.
However, if you watch the motion in just sitting in place rotating the
turntables you'll notice the entire robot follows a small circular rotation
as the wheels spin about their uncentered axis.  I managed to get the wheels
centered by moving the gears to the outside of the turntable as opposed to
dropping an axle all the way down through the center of the wheel assembly,
although it wasn't an elegant solution.  It was a fun exercise, though and
something I'd like to finish up sometime.  In the future design I would like
to add a turntable to an upper base of the robot (similar to a tank turret)
so that the robot can orient any sensors.


Did you check the web site first?:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Three-wheel Synchro Drive
(...) I do not believe trying to center the wheels on their axis of vertical rotation is a good idea. Although doing so would drop the amount of motion in the platform to virtually zero when the wheels are changing directions, it also has the (...) (26 years ago, 3-Mar-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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