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 Robotics / 27086
27085  |  27087
Re: RCX vs. NXT
Thu, 3 May 2007 16:15:45 GMT
5034 times
At 11:33 AM 5/3/07, Brandon Newendorp wrote:
Yep, that's me acting as NXT.  Jake Ingman, the guy w/the monkey hat
in Atlanta,
is RCX.  These were just meant to be a humorous look at the
differences between
the NXT and the RCX, not anything purely educational.  Glad to see people
enjoying them - we had a ton of fun putting them together!

Very cool.  I must say, I was expecting RCX to come back with no
memory, once his batteries were changed...  :)  But, still funny.

And, I don't think I would have identified Jake without the hat.  :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RCX vs. NXT
(...) is RCX. These were just meant to be a humorous look at the differences between the NXT and the RCX, not anything purely educational. Glad to see people enjoying them - we had a ton of fun putting them together! -- Brandon Newendorp (18 years ago, 3-May-07, to lugnet.robotics)

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