Re: Boosting power in a gear train
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 18:34:28 GMT
steve <sjbaker1@airmail.IHATESPAMnet>
4715 times
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Rafe Donahue wrote:
> I have a gear train that is driven by a very weak input, very small torque. ...
> I want to add some power to the output to speed it up, say, adding a
> motor somewhere, along with gearing it up, so that I can get more speed AND
> power to maintain that speed. In a sense, it seems to me like a power steering
> kind of problem.
So use a rotation sensor to sense the position of the weak input - and
use a NXT motor to track that position and drive all of the gears. You
can change the ratio of the input angle to the NXT motor's angle
in software and thereby have the first stage of the gearing be
cancelled out in software so you can make best use of the torque
of the NXT motor at speeds at which it is most effective.
Think not so much in terms of 'power steering' as 'fly by wire'!
That way, the only thing the weak input has to power is the rotation
sensor and the NXT motor (or pair of motors - or however many you
need) can do 100% of the work of driving the output through
whatever gearing seems appropriate.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Boosting power in a gear train
| (...) How much torque do I need to drive the rotation sensor? This was my first plan of action, but I was limited because I don't have a rotation sensor other than the NXT motors themselves! From a purist point of view, I would really like a (...) (18 years ago, 20-Mar-07, to lugnet.robotics)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Boosting power in a gear train
| I have a gear train that is driven by a very weak input, very small torque. There are some places in the gear train where I have some worm gears driving some 'regualr' gears. As I go along the gear train, I boost the output as much as I can with (...) (18 years ago, 20-Mar-07, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)
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