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Brickvention - SUMO Competetition
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Tue, 2 May 2006 03:00:31 GMT
1379 times
BrickVention will be holding an RCX Sumo Competition !

All you need to enter, is to bring your Phat Robot along on Saturday the 10th of June. Be sure to register for BV at

You will also need to bring your own power source (AA batteries) and ensure enough to carry you through to the finals.

I’ll supply a (timeshared) laptop if you need to make program changes version 2.0.

Sumo Ring Details: The sumo ring has a diameter of 4 feet, and is raised about 2 Centimeters above the floor. The color of the ring is Ceiling White, with a 5cm wide Flat Black spray paint edge boundary. The surface of the ring is smooth due to it being made from Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF).

Victory: Push opposing robot out of the ring

Weight: The total weight limit for a robot is 1 Kilogram. All robots will be subject to a weigh-in process at the beginning of the event to determine their weight.

Size: At the start of a match the robot must fit into a square box of 12 inches to a side, with no height limitation. Parts of the robot may extend outside this region after a match has started.

Restrictions: No modified parts, all genuine TLG parts, no power sources apart from the RCX (battery boxes can be used for weight)

Please email me

if you have any questions or intend on competing so I can work out a draw.

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