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 Robotics / 25160
25159  |  25161
Re: localization (was re: GPS)
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:27:12 GMT
PeterBalch <>
1847 times
The other thing you have to do is be able to address
each beacon so you can request which one transmits.

   Right. You'd have to make them only ping when addressed individually, • in order to get
any kind of cohesive signal.

That only works if you have one mobile bot. With more than one, they

A better method might be to have each beacon listen to the other beacons so
each transmits in turn (with a fixed delay so they don't interfere).

The bot passively listens. It measures the differences between the arrival
times of each beep and so can calculate its position as the intersection of
several hyperbolae.


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