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 Robotics / 23864
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light sensor, 3 secs
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 23:41:23 GMT
roc <principio@ilimit.SPAMLESSes>
1328 times
i am working on this silly game where you have to "shoot" a simple
pivoting mechanism (it moves like a metronome) with a light sensor on
top of it, using a laser pointer. you win if you manage to keep the
laser pointer in the light sensor for more than, say, 3 seconds. so the
robot will try to avoid that and dodge the beam by moving randomly and
at different speeds. i am a NQC newbie and i cant figure out the way to
make the program check if the light sensor is "hit" for 3 seconds.
any help will be really appreciated.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: light sensor, 3 secs
You could base the program on a loop. The RCX has a built in timer - and you can read this in NQC - (URL) loop checks the state of the sensors, and how long they have been pressed. if the sensor is no longer active - go to a "loser" routine, and if (...) (20 years ago, 12-Apr-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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