Re: CyberMaster - Problems with SPIRIT.OCX and Delphi
Sun, 3 Jan 1999 22:42:56 GMT
Laurentino Martins <>
1433 times
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At 21:27 03-01-1999 Sunday , you wrote:
> Hi All!
> I have just started to use the SPIRIT.OCX with CyberMaster, and I have some
> problems. Perhaps anyone can make me wiser?
> I can not get _any_ of the callback procedures to be activated -
> VariableChange, DownLoadDone, DownLoadStatus etc.
> If I try the SetEvent call, it returns TRUE, but nothing happens on the
> transmitter, and nothing happens in my program.
In C++ I do this:
// Defines
#define SPIRIT_COM1 1
#define SPIRIT_COM2 2
#define SPIRIT_COM3 3
#define SPIRIT_COM4 4
#define SPIRIT_IR 0
#define SPIRIT_RADIO 2
#define SPIRIT_RCX 1
// Init brick
m_spirit.SetComPortNo( SPIRIT_COM4 );
m_spirit.SetLinkType( SPIRIT_RADIO );
m_spirit.SetPBrick( SPIRIT_CYBERMASTER );
// In case the brick if off...
while( m_spirit.PBAliveOrNot()!=TRUE )
{ }
m_spirit.UnlockFirmware( "Do you byte, when I knock?" );
// Now we can communicate
// Example: Start first program
m_spirit.StartTask( 0 );
> SPIRIT.OCX version 2.89 Beta3!!! (That's what's on the CyberMaster CD!)
> Is there a newer version of SPIRIT somewhere? I could not find anything with
> the normal search engines.
Nope, that's my version also.
Laurentino Martins *<||:-)
Did you check the web site first?:
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: CyberMaster - Problems with SPIRIT.OCX and Delphi
| Ok, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I can communicate with the CyberMaster all right through the SPIRIT.OCX, but, I can not get the callbacks to fire. The ocx is supposed to fire an event, for example, when a download is done, and then there is the (...) (26 years ago, 4-Jan-99, to lugnet.robotics)
Message is in Reply To:
| | CyberMaster - Problems with SPIRIT.OCX and Delphi
| Hi All! I have just started to use the SPIRIT.OCX with CyberMaster, and I have some problems. Perhaps anyone can make me wiser? I can not get _any_ of the callback procedures to be activated - VariableChange, DownLoadDone, DownLoadStatus etc. If I (...) (26 years ago, 3-Jan-99, to lugnet.robotics)
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