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 Robotics / 19774
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Re: Lego® Technic Motor (43362) internals
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 09:25:00 GMT
7740 times
In lugnet.robotics, Philippe Hurbain writes:
Hi Tobbe,

My guess is that your friend actually got one 43362 and one 71427, the
latter beeing enclosed in a 43362 case. If you look at 43362 enclosure photo
(, you see that there are 4 plastic
pins in corners that are used to secure 71427 core to the box. So Lego can
use the same case for two different products ! The proof to that: the two
black holes on back are missing from the freely running motor while they are
required to hold the brushes of 43362 core motor.


This is not a good thing for your friend : the weight of these motors is
somewhat different (28g vs 42g), 43362 rotates slightly slowlier and stops
sooner. This probably render a simple differential drive equipped with both
motor types almost unusable (needs to be tested though !)

My friend wont bother much since the boxes are for education at hiw workplace.

I conducted a quick test with one 71427-002 and one 43362 (with new internals),
put them back to back with a 8462 wheel on each axel and a 9V small battery box
being pused in front of them. A _very_ simpel dif. vehicle. As suspected the
vehicle wont drive in a straight line and it's the new motor that lags behind
causing the vehicle to turn. It's not a very tight turn though. The path
describes an arc, like a ')' being 6.7 meters "high" and 1 m wide. Don't know
the math to turn this into a turning radius. Perhaps I should have used gearing
to make the difference between the two motors more visible.

It feels like this is not a big difference though, I bet two of the old motors
would have done about the same arc...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LegoX Technic Motor (43362) internals
(...) It's 6.11125 meters. (...) Yes - it's hard to tell because the difference in speeds will depend on the load on the motors - loading them either more or less would alter their characteristics relative to each other. (...) Yes - I think so. (...) (22 years ago, 15-Dec-02, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego® Technic Motor (43362) internals
Hi Tobbe, My guess is that your friend actually got one 43362 and one 71427, the latter beeing enclosed in a 43362 case. If you look at 43362 enclosure photo ((URL) you see that there are 4 plastic pins in corners that are used to secure 71427 core (...) (22 years ago, 15-Dec-02, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)

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