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 Robotics / 18741
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Re: Jamocklaquat - Mission Two Completed - Left Arm and More!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 16:41:16 GMT
173 times
ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!

This is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!

you got some really sweet things happening with those arms, very cool, I'm
always amazed at how huge yet poseable your stuff is, so sweet.

and that head is way too cool.

Great work Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope it's not endangered cuz we're killing it pretty fast ;)

again awesome work Eric!!!!!!!!!!!


In, Eric Sophie writes:
2 Hands, 2 Wrists, 2 Elbows, 2Arm Turns, 2 Upper Arm Pivots,
both have Upper Arm Rotate.

4 RCX work in harmony to control the Arms.
12 motors.

Check out the initial Head fit.

The motion the arms achieve is smooth and life like!

Egads!!!IT'S ALIVE!!!!

Mission One & Two Completed.
Click on the Arm Pix

Jamocklaquat on Brickshelf (after moderation)




Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Jamocklaquat - Mission Two Completed - Left Arm and More!
!!!G-Meist!!! (...) Kewl ;} (...) Belive it or not, all the Technic Joints are as small as I could make them given their relationships to the surrounding structures. I try to keep the strcuture to a minimum, although it looks big, it's just to (...) (22 years ago, 26-Aug-02, to, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Jamocklaquat - Mission Two Completed - Left Arm and More!
2 Hands, 2 Wrists, 2 Elbows, 2Arm Turns, 2 Upper Arm Pivots, both have Upper Arm Rotate. 4 RCX work in harmony to control the Arms. 12 motors. Check out the initial Head fit. The motion the arms achieve is smooth and life like! Egads!!!IT'S (...) (22 years ago, 23-Aug-02, to, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics) ! 

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