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Re: Vertical Mill
Sun, 20 Dec 1998 03:50:28 GMT
Russell Nelson <nelson@crynwr&IHateSpam&.com>
1650 times
Robert Fay writes:
> I have posted pictures and a QuickTime movie of my new vertical mill at

I'm adding all of these to the ``Building'' section of the list web
site at  It would be great to
know if the model is ``Mindstorms-Pure''.  I'm sure that some people
are just starting to [re-]accumulate Lego, and will want to know if
they can build something just with the Mindstorms RIS.

Like, for example, I noticed that Robert is using a battery box.  I
expect that it's for the mill part, since it only needs to turn, not
be controlled.

-russ nelson <>
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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Vertical Mill
(...) My Vertical Mill is LEGO pure (except for two thin washers in the worm drive of the vertical axis "Z"). It does have components from other sets. (26 years ago, 20-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)

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  Vertical Mill
I have posted pictures and a QuickTime movie of my new vertical mill at (URL) Bob Fay (26 years ago, 18-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)

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