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RE: Which Palm?
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 19:47:12 GMT
Marius Milner <mariusm@yahoo!spamless!.com>
979 times
Time for me to stop lurking.

I've written a few Palm applications, and have an RCX,
and indeed I was the person who both deciphered the IR
protocol that the Furby uses to talk to other toys,
and built a laser-emitting LEGO brick:
I would love to be able to have my Palm hold a
meaningful 2-way conversation with an RCX (or even a
Furby), something that OmniRemote doesn't do. I have
tried controlling the Palm IR port directly -- you
have to walk through the PalmOS ROM to figure out how
-- it's difficult and my experiments locked up my Palm
many times. I managed to directly tell it to turn the
IR on and off, but the problem is the timing. There is
no accurate timer on the Palm, apart from the one that
controls the serial port, and you have to disable
things like the real time clock interrupt, which makes
other Bad Things happen... Anyway, I am seeking this
"Holy Grail" but my newborn baby comes first :-)
I will publish my findings on the web as they happen.

In short:
- Using the Palm's built in IR port with an RCX is not
going to happen any time soon.
- You can connect the tower to the Palm's serial port
and use RCXLab ( )
to send raw byte codes.

Marius Milner

-----Original Message-----
From: John Barnes []
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: Which Palm?

Something doesn't make sense to me here .....

IF someone sells a piece of software which allows the
Palm to
learn and speak "arbitrary remotese", then there has
to be low level
software control over the port.

Doesn't that mean that who ever knows how to write
that code could
also write routines to transmit and receive RCXese?

So are we waiting around for someone out there in
lugnet land who's a
Palm expert to craft something suitable?

As soon as someone publishes the URL of the IRda
routines, I am going
out to buy one of the little beasties. But until it
can talk to my RCX, it can
wait on the store shelf.


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