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Re: What is LabView like?
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 19:05:29 GMT
1549 times
Being a Mac user I haven't had much of a chance to play with the software
provided by Lego but I did play with RoboLab some. One of the big
differences I could see is that RoboLab is more "verbose" than the
Mindstorm stuff. For example, if you want to set the comparison value
of an "if" block you need to drag in a little text "box" to type the
value into and wire/connect the text box to the "if" block. Same thing
goes for having to specify a sensor ID.

It looked to be like in the Mindstorm software the conditional block
contained in itself place to specify parameters.

Of course now the only thing I use RoboLab for is to download firmware
to the RCX and use Dave Baum's great NQCC for any programming.


On Dec 9,  1:14pm, Garry Paine wrote:
Subject: Re: What is LabView like?
The National Instruments page:, is a good
place to start.  It has links to the LabVIEW pages.  Or, to see some

ROBOlab (son of labVIEW) is the software you get from DACTA.  I like it,
but expect that nqc will be the method of choice when I have time to get
back to Mindstorms.  I'm in my second childhood...

On the internet somewhere I saw that the Dacta LabView software is
similar but more
powerful than the software that comes with the consumer RCX.  Can
someone with
experience give me some more details?  How do you like it?  Is it easy
enough for
children to learn?  How much of it is text based and how much icon

-- End of excerpt from Garry Paine

Drew Rogge

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What is LabView like?
The National Instruments page: (URL) is a good place to start. It has links to the LabVIEW pages. Or, to see some examples: (URL) (son of labVIEW) is the software you get from DACTA. I like it, but expect that nqc will be the method of choice when I (...) (26 years ago, 9-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)

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