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Re: Rotary to linear motion
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 17:21:57 GMT
John Barnes <BARNES@ihatespamSENSORS.COM>
919 times
  Jeffrey Hazen wrote:
.... stumbled on a
neat mechanism in one of the "throw bots" (I think it's "Granite").  It has
a nifty rack and pinion gearbox, complete with enclosure.


I was wondering when somebody would spot these little gems. I bought quite
a few of these sets just for these parts!

They are very handy. You can use them for all sorts of functions including
using them in pairs, side by side, with the two gears sharing a common shaft.
A bumper attached to the two ball joint ends will then stay parallel even when
pushed at one end. I have found this to be a good attachment scheme for bot
bumpers. You can even put a rotation sensor on the shaft to measure the depth
of bump.


Message is in Reply To:
  Rotary to linear motion
I think someone posted a question awhile back about how to turn rotary to linear motion. I was playing with my daughters today, and stumbled on a neat mechanism in one of the "throw bots" (I think it's "Granite"). It has a nifty rack and pinion (...) (24 years ago, 25-Aug-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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