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 Robotics / 10168
10167  |  10169
Re: Question: One motor & Turning
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 10:07:50 GMT
1219 times
If you are interested, you can take a look at a mechanism I made
(inspired from the 8205 pull back string powered dragster) which
allows one motor to make a vehicle go forwards or turn on the spot
depending on the direction of the motor output.

The idea is very simple: The motor output is fed directly to one wheel
and through the "direction unifier" to the other.  That way, one wheel
can only turn one way, while the other can turn both ways.  If the
wheels turn the same way, the vehicle goes forward, if they turn
either ways, it turns on the spot.


Message is in Reply To:
  Question: One motor & Turning
Hi, If I only use one motor to power a robot's drive-train, am I stuck with forward motion only (and no turning ability)? Thanks, Bryan (25 years ago, 19-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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