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 Robotics / 10167
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Re: Question: One motor & Turning
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 09:25:36 GMT
1164 times
In lugnet.robotics, Bryan Wong writes:

If I only use one motor to power a robot's drive-train, am I stuck with
forward motion only (and no turning ability)?
No and no.
You can allways reverse the motor, and the 'normal' way to steer, is to have a
steering wheel that casters to the straight ahead, when driven forward, and
rotates to a fixed angle in one direction, when the vehicle goes backwards.
One of the models in the constructopedia is designed to do just this, and many
other similar designs exist. It is exactly the same mechanism, that is used on
the very simplest remote control cars.

Best Wishe

Message is in Reply To:
  Question: One motor & Turning
Hi, If I only use one motor to power a robot's drive-train, am I stuck with forward motion only (and no turning ability)? Thanks, Bryan (25 years ago, 19-Jan-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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