| | Re: CyberMaster connection to BricxCC
(...) Answer: It is simple: I used the prolific usb to serial adapter, configured the Serial communication to 9600,8,n,xon/xoff , took a NULL-Modem Serial Cable and linkt pin 4 and 6 on the 9-pin connector together. After that communication to the (...) (9 years ago, 23-Apr-16, to lugnet.robotics.cybermaster)
| | Re: How to fix a failing touch sensor on Spybotics
Hi. I write from switzerland because i need help. I would like upload a modified program on my Lego old Spybotics, maybe u know what i need in hardware (cable, plug,......) for that, via mac and MacNQC. Thanks for help, if its possible and regards (...) (9 years ago, 13-Apr-16, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
| | CyberMaster connection to BricxCC
Hello, I am a new user to the Bricx Command Center. Forgive me if bad English. I seek to connect my CyberMaster unit to Bricx Command Center, though I get the error "No connection to the programmable brick" upon each time started. I use the original (...) (9 years ago, 27-Feb-16, to lugnet.robotics.cybermaster)
| | New camera for lego mindstorms Ev3 and Raspberry Pi
We have just launched a kickstarter for RoboSnap - a camera that detects colored objects, the approximate size and shape of the objects and takes low resolution images so you can see what your robot sees. You can program with Snap!, Scratch, C and (...) (10 years ago, 13-May-15, to lugnet.robotics)
| | Re: New Version of 9V Geared Motor
(...) Dear Mark I couldn't find any data about the radios of 43362 motor in the website. Do you have any information about this motor's radios? Best Regards Sahar (10 years ago, 27-Apr-15, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)