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 Robotics / *48248 (-20)
  Re: Reviving old cybermasters with MacNQC
(...) Thanks for the pointer. (...) Cool, I'll have to take some closer looks there as well. I knew this was going to be time-consuming again ;) (...) Having found the comments on that problem, I was almost fearing you might say that. Best thing in (...) (14 years ago, 18-Mar-11, to lugnet.robotics.cybermaster)
  Re: Reviving old cybermasters with MacNQC
(...) Indeed :( ... so I only check here from time to time. You would probably get faster answers on Mindboards (https://sourceforge...ndex.php). (...) Memory is very low, about 400 bytes! (URL) useful programs can be written nonetheless: (URL) (...) (14 years ago, 17-Mar-11, to lugnet.robotics.cybermaster)
  Re: Does RIS2.0 set use the fiber optics cable?
(...) Cool thing - even though I can only run Windows in a window (sic), it sounds useful to to something with these old semi-intelligent bricks. I've googled a bit and found this updated link: (URL) has got the old contents there for winvll - funny (...) (14 years ago, 10-Mar-11, to lugnet.robotics.vll)
  Re: MacNQC 4.05b, RCX 1.0 and OS X 10.4.6 can't program the brick
(...) Funny I'm tripping over this just today... (...) The most weird thing happened to me today on my iMac - I've only dug out the old Mindstorms stuff last weekend and went through reviving cybermaster and Spybotics - and guess what, the RCX and (...) (14 years ago, 10-Mar-11, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)
  How to fix a failing touch sensor on Spybotics
Hi all, I recently got hold of a - previously ignored - Spybotics model (I never really considered them to be of interest until I got one cheap and found the kids like it). Yes, they are fairly outdated, however they hook up to my Mac just fine over (...) (14 years ago, 10-Mar-11, to lugnet.robotics.spybotics)
  Reviving old cybermasters with MacNQC
Hi all, yes I know, this group has been dormant for quite a while - however when digging through my older Mindstorms items last weekend, I also found two cybermaster units and became curious if they were still operational. The software is of course (...) (14 years ago, 10-Mar-11, to lugnet.robotics.cybermaster)
  2011 LEGO Engineering Symposium
The Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) invites you to the 5th annual LEGO Engineering Symposium May 24-26, 2011 at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, USA. The LEGO Engineering Symposium aims to bring together (...) (14 years ago, 20-Feb-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Motors comparison page updated
(...) I have come across some industrial heater controls. To get the heaters at part power (to run them in a closed-loop temperature control), a method of burst firing is used. The circuit measures the zero crossings of the AC supply and turns the (...) (14 years ago, 25-Feb-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Humanoid Robot
any one have idea about world's most advanced humanoid robots ??????? I look forward to hear from you guys.. (URL) Modular Robots ----- (URL) Modular Robots (14 years ago, 14-Feb-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: My latest colour iteration of the 948 go-cart
(...) Someone's been watching a little too much CSI:Toronto. Either that or Animal Planet.... [JOHN] (14 years ago, 28-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: My latest colour iteration of the 948 go-cart
(...) No, just marking my territory, in the event of Daves passing, my dna will prove ownership. Wink. Janey "Red Brick" (14 years ago, 28-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Anyone else tried the Firgelli actuators?
(...) That's something expected because the encoder is a relative position one, just like in the regular NXT motor. (...) I have not noticed that - could you send me your program? Philo (14 years ago, 26-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Anyone else tried the Firgelli actuators?
I decided to spring for one of the expensive Firgelli actuators, and just gave it a quick try. I either got a broken unit, or it is the worst piece of junk anyone has ever made for NXT. First of all, you command it to move a distance, not command it (...) (14 years ago, 25-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Lots of gratitude
Dear Brahm, We know we are not supposed to do this on this forum, but we shall do it anyways because our gratitude towards you is more intense than just a 5 star rating. We have been trying to make our RIS 2.0 software and hardware work for many and (...) (14 years ago, 18-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Motors comparison page updated
(...) No, purely resistive. Although it does have a "boot up" time, I think it's just due to heating up the element. I'm not completely sure if the element will respond better to a "dimmer" type set-up (running it at less than normal voltage) or a (...) (14 years ago, 15-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: Motors comparison page updated
(...) Interesting thread, even if a bit off topic of LEGO motors. I'm not an expert on power circuits, but a google search turned up this web site with a number of interesting power supply circuits (there is a search option). (URL) Putz (URL) (14 years ago, 13-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: Motors comparison page updated
(...) Good thing, the load is not inductive. (...) OK, with a 1 second cycle time, and pure on/off, it is simpler. All you need is a solid state relay. (...) Looks like some people do: (URL) and worse, most of these dimmers work by dissipating and (...) (14 years ago, 13-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: Motors comparison page updated
(...) I've been operating outside my personal SOA for years now :) (...) It's actually not a motor - it's a small electric hot water heater element. When plugged in it produces 1300W, but if I want less than that I need to figure out some way to (...) (14 years ago, 13-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: Motors comparison page updated
Hi Brian, (...) I was surprised too. I suspect a relatively high internal resistance of the windings, rather than mechanical friction, as the source of losses. No, (shame on me!) I didn't checked yet with an ohmmeter. (...) This is clearly outside (...) (14 years ago, 13-Jan-11, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: Motors comparison page updated
(...) Thank you! Surprising that with as easy as it is to backdrive, that the efficiency is as low as it is. Out of (not idle) curiosity, is it possible to drive even more current-hungry devices safely from the NXT? I need a way to drive a 120V AC, (...) (14 years ago, 12-Jan-11, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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