Re: new Designer sets
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 03:52:31 GMT
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In, Chris Gray wrote:
> "Allan Bedford" <> writes:
> > > These are a not bad alternative to Model Team sets. Don't let the special
> > > decorative pieces fool you - these sets have a *lot* of regular pieces.
> > > E.g. 4403 has 10 2x16 black plate.
> > Which decorative pieces do you mean? Just curious.
> I'm thinking of the big curved pieces that have been appearing in the
> sets lately. For example the four beside the rotor mount on 4403, or the
> big long piece down the top of the tail.
Ah... ok. Gotcha. I guess I thought of them as exotic slopes or something...
didn't really think of them as decoractive. But I do agree with you. It would
have been nice if perhaps those four had been replaced by some combination of
more classic slope pieces. And perhaps some plates and tiles could have been
used in place of that piece used on the tail.
Allan B.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: new Designer sets
| (...) I'm thinking of the big curved pieces that have been appearing in the sets lately. For example the four beside the rotor mount on 4403, or the big long piece down the top of the tail. (21 years ago, 29-Mar-04, to
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