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Re: Here is some Photography help!
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:11:27 GMT
16 times
In, Tony Knaak writes:
I have been listen to several mechers saying that they need to better their
digital photography skills. Well, I had some free time today, so I found
some good helpul info for them.

This site here covers all the photography basics. Be sure to read the
digital camera section and the light section, those will help you understand
your camera and the light you use and little better!

That's a neat resource.  It doesn't seem to have much in the way of
photographing extreme closeups, though, which is a big thing with Lego.
Plenty of the correct amount of light is the key for me when taking
pictures.  I could focus all the incandescent bulbs in the frame I wanted
and it would always come out yellow.  After moving to my new digs, with
their bright flourescents, life is good.

Like Ryan mentioned, a good white background is essential.  I'm actually
using a couple of Bionicle posters as my background right now for smaller
shots.  I believe that Jon Palmer uses a large movie poster for his
backgrounds.  Those work well because they're just a touch glossy and are of
a heavy enough material to not crease easily.

Now this is something I wanted to throw in here too. You NEED to have an
image editor if you want nice looking pics. I use Adobe Photoshop 6.0 and I
recommend this to anyone who is serious. Downside, it's REALLY expensive.
But I propose an alturnative...Jasc's Paintshop Pro 7.04. You can download
the program for a 30 day free trial and enjoy.

Paint Shop Pro is indeed a great tool.  It's not as robust as Photoshop, but
95% of what most of use need (cropping, color manipulation, etc) you can do
with ease.  Every image on Brickfrenzy has been processed with PSP.  I've
been using it for years, and have actually purchased it.  I would encourage
you all to do the same :)  It's $70 right now from (once a $30
rebate is applied).

(it also has an uninstall with it too. :D He He He. You can't figure that
out, e-mail me and I will tell you.)
Paintshop is probably the best freeware-esque program you can find for editing.

You naughty little chisel monkey.

I hope you get some use out of this!

Tony Knaak


Message has 1 Reply:
  RE: Here is some Photography help!
(...) I've found that if good light sources are not available, you can still get a great picture if your camera has some manual settings. An aperture of f5 to f8 or so will keep the entire model in focus while still blurring the background. With a (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Here is some Photography help!
I have been listen to several mechers saying that they need to better their digital photography skills. Well, I had some free time today, so I found some good helpul info for them. This site here covers all the photography basics. Be sure to read (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to,

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