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Re: Here is some Photography help!
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 19:33:15 GMT
15 times
In, Tony Knaak writes:
I have been listen to several mechers saying that they need to better their
digital photography skills. Well, I had some free time today, so I found
some good helpul info for them.

This site here covers all the photography basics. Be sure to read the
digital camera section and the light section, those will help you understand
your camera and the light you use and little better!

Thanks for looking this up.  A few tips that may/may not be helpful too:

*If you want a plain white background, try getting some newprint leftover
rolls from your local paper.  Ours gives em out for free, and they usually
have a TON of 'extra' paper on em, Glossy sometimes too ;)

*Use Skylight lighting!  Our house has a SWEET skylight at the edge of a
room, and that's where I get some of my best lighting for pics (only better
is a cloudy day outside SOMETIMES!)

Now I may not be the best at photo stuff, But I always try to get better,
and these things helped me a bit.  FYI, I use a SiPix SP-1300 that has like
2 Megapixels or somethin, but I got a 32 MB Flash Memory card for X-mas.

Now this is something I wanted to throw in here too. You NEED to have an
image editor if you want nice looking pics. I use Adobe Photoshop 6.0 and I
recommend this to anyone who is serious. Downside, it's REALLY expensive.
But I propose an alturnative...Jasc's Paintshop Pro 7.04. You can download
the program for a 30 day free trial and enjoy.

Oooh! Thanks!  I've been using MGI-Photosuite 3, but it is just what came
with my digicam, and does not have all that I'd like it to, e.g. tool wise.
It crops and rotates, easily, but that's it.

(it also has an uninstall with it too. :D He He He. You can't figure that
out, e-mail me and I will tell you.)

You DAWG! ;P

Paintshop is probably the best freeware-esque program you can find for editing.

I hope you get some use out of this!

Tony Knaak

Thx, I plan to.


Message is in Reply To:
  Here is some Photography help!
I have been listen to several mechers saying that they need to better their digital photography skills. Well, I had some free time today, so I found some good helpul info for them. This site here covers all the photography basics. Be sure to read (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to,

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