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Re: Need help w/ my Quick Time movies
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 02:21:39 GMT
24 times
"Michael Clark" <wondernerd@hotmail.con> wrote in message

Can you clarify? Are you looking for software or for "How To"? What • platform?

It could be both, the QT 4 software that came with my camera came with no
serious editing features by the looks of things and I'm running my movies on
Win 98 SE.

Quicktime Pro is decent. It runs 40$US or so.
Yea, I'm thinking I might just do that. Thanks.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Need help w/ my Quick Time movies
(URL) editing software. You might want to look at Divx or other Mpeg4 codecs. It does leave Mac users behind. The problems writing Mac software and the size of the Mac community are leaving them behind in Webcast video. Quicktime is really the only (...) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-01, to lugnet.animation)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Need help w/ my Quick Time movies
(...) Can you clarify? Are you looking for software or for "How To"? What platform? Quickitime Pro is decent. It runs 40$US or so. (24 years ago, 9-Feb-01, to lugnet.animation)

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