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Re: Brickiwiki?
Wed, 17 May 2006 00:29:20 GMT
4530 times
In lugnet.publish, David Eaton wrote:
   In lugnet.publish, Timothy Gould wrote:
   I’m not terribly impressed by their choice of name or sure why they bothered. BrickWiki was there first and is already fairly comprehensive (if slow).

Yeah, I don’t get it. Who’s pushing the initiative? I mean, I like the interface-- it’s nicer than BrickWiki’s from what I can see, but... what’s the point? Who’s paying for bandwidth? The company? Why? Who or what gave them the idea that the AFOL community needed this?


The whole world’s gone wiki whacky!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickiwiki?
(...) Yeah, I don't get it. Who's pushing the initiative? I mean, I like the interface-- it's nicer than BrickWiki's from what I can see, but... what's the point? Who's paying for bandwidth? The company? Why? Who or what gave them the idea that the (...) (19 years ago, 17-May-06, to lugnet.publish, FTX)

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