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  VOTE: Technic Model of the Month - February
FUT: lugnet.technic Hi there! As it is a new month it's not only time to select the best MOTM on but also time to vote for the best _Technic_ MOTM! I got nine entries this first very short premier month, see them and judge them here: (URL) (...) (23 years ago, 1-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.publish,,, lugnet.general, lugnet.robotics)  
  Re: Care for a contest?
(...) Satellite probably won't help. Typically the satellite is used only for downloading; it's a lot easier to listen for a satellite signal than to transmit loudly enough for the satellite to hear. More typically, you'll still use a phone line and (...) (23 years ago, 1-Mar-02, to, lugnet.publish)

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