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Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 23:29:53 GMT
2480 times
In lugnet.publish, Suzanne D. Rich writes:

I would like to know exactly what you expected. Particularly, how I would feel
(as you are replying to my message here). I only posted to this thread because
"the whole minifig thing" is quite personal to me.

Since I had no intentions of using a "minifig generator", I diddn't think
you would be affected at all.  I did expect some discussion about the IP issues
with TLC.

To be clear, where you took the idea from was not the issue.


So, you plan to generate minifigs using the scans I did? (!)
I will not give permission to republish images taken from my site. See fine
print on the site:

Absolutely not!  I never said that!  In fact what I said is that I planned
to use my scans.  I think you are confusing my plan of allowing users to select
from specific minifigs and your minifig generator (clearly two different
functions).  And when I asked Todd to generate the 500 figs for me I had
assumed that they were renderings, generated on the fly, not your scans (that's
the way they looked to me).  The fact that (I thought) they were rendered
was why I figured they would be better quality than scans.  Please read what
I say carefully before you accuse me of trying to steal something.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
(...) I think she misunderstood what you meant. She'd been up most of the night packing for a 6:45 a.m. train and had logged in quick just to check mail, etc. and probably wasn't expecting to encounter anything out of the ordinary. Probably read the (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Announcing Gallery for everyone!
(...) I would like to know exactly what you expected. Particularly, how I would feel (as you are replying to my message here). I only posted to this thread because "the whole minifig thing" is quite personal to me. (...) To be clear, where you took (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish)

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