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Re: Soft Opening
Newsgroups:, lugnet.publish
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 16:23:03 GMT
82 times
[ XFUT lugnet.publish ]


On Mon, 1 Nov 1999 18:08:54 GMT, "John Gerlach"
<> wrote:

I'll jump in and reply here - that 'shadow' text is from
the tool John used to create the thumbnails.  If anyone
knows of a good tool - preferably 'freeware' <grin> - to
create thumbnail images, let us know!

ImageMagick will do mass thumbnails.  Maybe not as
auto-magically as some other tools, but it's free, and it
runs on any platform.

If you just need a fixed rescaling and have access to a
machine with netpbm/pbmplus and (t)csh, you can use the
following script:

# This script makes scaled down versions (30%) of the images
# passed to it.
# It assumes that all the images are stored in JPEG format
# and that their names end by ".jpeg".

foreach image ($*)
   set name=`basename $image .jpeg`

   djpeg < $image | pnmscale 0.30 | cjpeg > $name\-inline.jpeg

# end of script

IMO this is not the right way to mage thumbnails though.
Generally I prefer to scale the image down to about 30% of
its original area (55% on a linear scale), and then choose
the most representative 30% (area again) of the scaled image
for the thumbnail. This also allows me to have the same
width/height/aspect ratio on all the thumbnails if I want

The following is my script for scaling and cropping to a
fixed thumbnail size with equal amounts of scaling and
cropping. It is not perfect, but I haven't found anything
more efficient yet.

--  Save as "produkt":

awk "BEGIN{ print $1 * $2 }"

--  Save as "interaktive_thumbnails":

# This script makes scaled down versions (30%) of the images
# passed to it.
# It assumes that all the images are stored in JPEG format
# and that their names end by ".jpeg".

set height=100
set width=100

foreach image ($*)
   set name=`basename $image .jpeg`

   set dimensions=`djpeg < $image | head -n 2 | tail -n 1`
   set area=`./produkt $dimensions`

   set factor=`awk "BEGIN{ print sqrt (sqrt ($height * $width / $area)) }"`

   djpeg < $image | pnmscale $factor > intermediate.ppm

   echo -n "Crop the image to something slightly larger than $width x $height"
   echo   " pixels and save the image with the same name..."

   xv intermediate.ppm

   pnmcut 0 0 100 100 < intermediate.ppm | cjpeg > $name\-inline.jpeg

rm -f intermediate.ppm


Play well,


      --  E-mail:         --
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Soft Opening
(...) ImageMagick will do mass thumbnails. Maybe not as auto-magically as some other tools, but it's free, and it runs on any platform. Steve (25 years ago, 1-Nov-99, to

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