| | Re: VELUX house still available
(...) snip (...) If you're thinking of getting this set, I think it's definitely worth it. I got mina about a year ago & it's a nice addition to any town. the bed can only fit one fig, but that can be modified. you get extra roof pieces to make the (...) (22 years ago, 27-Aug-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | VELUX house still available
The VELUX House (URL) is still available through the VELUX website. I inquired by e-mail and got this message back today: Our VELUX LEGO houses are still available on our web: www.VELUX.com/giftshop We are looking forward to receiving your order. (...) (22 years ago, 26-Aug-02, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
"Kerry Raymond" <kerry@dstc.edu.au> wrote in message news:H178x7.KA4@lugnet.com... (...) don't buy (...) do in (...) Right on sister! Hear hear! It really disturbs me that my fellow Aussies get so excited by a promo with such crappy Lego on offer - (...) (22 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
(...) saving up, since the promo ends on the 31st. Maggie C. (22 years ago, 22-Aug-02, to lugnet.promo)
 | | Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
(...) So, if I understand this correctly ... If I don't go to McDonalds, then I don't have to eat their food and I don't buy a bionicle! That's excellent. It means that I can not do two things I didn't want to do in the time it would normally take (...) (22 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.promo)