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  Re: Quaker Oats Treasure Hunt Kit (#1411) extra parts bag?
"Erik L. Knopp" <> wrote in message (...) I received two this week that contained the extra bag of parts. I don't recall any of the other ones that I have received having it but it is entirely (...) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Quaker Oats Treasure Hunt Kit (#1411) extra parts bag?
In (URL) Tony Hafner mentions a separate bag coming with the #1411 polybag. Among other things, the bag contained the parts for the clap board. The two I ordered/received last Aug/Sep did not come with the extra parts. Of those who have (...) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to
  Re: Will there be another Quaker Oatmeal promo?
(...) I've got 112. Yum. (23 years ago, 22-Feb-02, to
  Will there be another Quaker Oatmeal promo?
Anyone know if there will be another Quaker Oatmeal promo after the current Lego Studios offering? I've got about 100 empty oatmeal packets! Bryan (23 years ago, 22-Feb-02, to
  Re: New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
(...) I was looking on the Shop@Home Website, and the set is listed at $19.99 and comes with "mini adidas soccer ball". Not bad considering that they are pretty close to the red soccer busses, at the same price.... a real interesting comment.... the (...) (23 years ago, 20-Feb-02, to,, lugnet.sports,

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