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  Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
(...) No clapboard? Does that mean no black hinges either? I had high hopes for the 20-40 I would eventually be getting. George (23 years ago, 18-Sep-01, to
  Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
I received one of the sets I ordered from this promotion today. It is a polybag set, #1411, with 29 pieces (bag count.) The set I received does not completely match the picture shown on the Treasure Hunt Oatmeal boxes. The differences I've noted (...) (23 years ago, 18-Sep-01, to
Hi all ! Is it just me, or is the number of promo's coming out this year very small. Other years always some cool stuff here (in the Netherlands that is), but haven't seen any good promo's lately (haven't seen any at all actually). Anyone know if (...) (23 years ago, 14-Sep-01, to
  Re: Mattel and LEGO as part of the McDonald's promotion?
(...) ...*shudder*...Diva Starz. Ew. Have you ever walked past the shelf display for these little bug-eyed things? It yells at me every time I scoot down the doll aisle at the local Wal*Mart headin' for the LEGO. I can "kinda'" see where they are (...) (23 years ago, 5-Sep-01, to lugnet.general,
  Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
I still have a load of packets that I was collecting from the Mars promo. This one has some useable minifigs. Rose "Rob Doucette" <> wrote in message (...) chalice, (...) 15 (...) (23 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to

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