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 Promotional / *761 (-5)
  1817 Forest flyer available at S@H
People have been excited about the dragonfly set that just became available so I thought I would mention that today I noticed online that they are now selling set 1817 (URL) $14.99. See it here (URL) (23 years ago, 3-Jul-01, to,, lugnet.general)
  Re: Lego my tunes!
Alright, after receiving my QMPO-"BOX" (CD boxes) I've got to tell you - these things ROCK!!! The packing styrofoam is in the shape of a large 1 x1 Brick including stud complete with "Lego" on it! The disclaimer mentions the special permission to (...) (23 years ago, 28-Jun-01, to
  Dragon Fly Airplane Promo available at Shop @ Home
I noticed that dragon fly was available at Shop @ Home....I hope there are enough...because I think I just might have to get a copy!!!! :) Benjamin Medinets (23 years ago, 27-Jun-01, to
  Re: New Kabaya LoM Promo...
Todd Kubo <> wrote in message (...) We have them listed, with images, at Brickset: (URL) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to
  Re: New Shell Promo sets now available in NY
(...) I went to this shop that Rich mentioned. I checked on in the Bronx by me, but they had nada. I got all the Shell Shops & Car washes they had on display (only two each. The man there said they might be putting more out today. At 2.10 per gallon (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jun-01, to,, lugnet.general,,

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