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 Promotional / *461 (-5)
  I need an inventory of 6100
I am desperatly looking for an inventory of, scanned instructions for or an ldraw .dat file of aquasharks set 6100. (24 years ago, 20-Sep-00, to lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.cad, lugnet.db.scans, lugnet.db.inv, lugnet.general,
  Re: New LEGO Castle Promo sets
(...) See my post on Castle/6030 for news regarding USA availablity. Anyone interested should contact LEGO USA's consumer support (S@H will think you are nuts) for the scoop (they had a memo regarding these sets for USA). Peace (or was that Piece?), (...) (24 years ago, 18-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,
  Re: New LEGO Castle Promo sets
(...) as soon as they are (*if* they are) released in the U.S. Obviously the main attraction is the chrome piece in each set ('cept for 4816, but that has Princess Storm which will surely be an attraction for many people). But note how the sets are (...) (24 years ago, 17-Sep-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,
  Re: Shell Promo - US in the fall?
"Bryan Kinkel" <> wrote in message (...) appearing (...) This article, from last April, is the latest information that I heard. I guess a call to Shell Consumer Affairs might be in order. (URL) (...) (25 years ago, 12-Sep-00, to
  Shell Promo - US in the fall?
Has anyone heard anything new about the various Shell promo items appearing in the United States in the fall? Bryan Kinkel (25 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to

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