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 Promotional / *456 (-5)
  Re: Soccer Promo, dutch (was: possibly German)
"Shiri Dori" <> wrote in message (...) You guess was close ;-) The writing isn't German but Dutch (the picture of a fig kicking the ball is wearing the Dutch colours -orange with a picture of a lion). (...) (25 years ago, 9-Sep-00, to lugnet.sports,
  Re: Soccer Promo, possibly German
Hi, Well, I finally got around scanning this... again, here's what I found. (...) (URL) you might notice, it has the Shell symbol on it. The only four digit number anywhere on the bag is a small-print 3306. And indeed, when I searched on lugnet I (...) (25 years ago, 9-Sep-00, to lugnet.sports,, lugnet.general)
  Re: FT 1054 Stenna Line Ferry MISB
(...) Sorry - I thought as they were promotional sets they would be best here. Bye. (25 years ago, 30-Aug-00, to
  Re: FT 1054 Stenna Line Ferry MISB
(...) This kind of post should be restricted to eric (25 years ago, 30-Aug-00, to
  FT Shell promo sets MISB 1246,46,50,51
Hi there - I have these four sets for trade. I am looking for Pirate/soldier and castle sets/accessories. If you want to contact me, please do: Many thanks, Ben. (25 years ago, 30-Aug-00, to

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