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 Promotional / *431 (-10)
  Re: Promo Availability
(...) having (...) Take a look at The Vault run by Matt Chiles. He has Kabaya and Shell sets as well as out of production sets. (URL) (25 years ago, 25-Jul-00, to
  Promo Availability
Does anyone know a website or store where you can buy promo sets without having to live in germany or japan? NICK :^L (25 years ago, 25-Jul-00, to
  Re: Kabaya
(...) These combo sets are only available in Japan. Some of the LEGO sets are available separately in some parts of Europe with different set numbers. Carbon 60 (25 years ago, 24-Jul-00, to
  Re: New Dino Sets sighted - first scans!
(...) If you look at your summer catalog you'll see the yellow butterfly net also in 1465 Minnie's Birthday Party from the Disney line. John (25 years ago, 23-Jul-00, to lugnet.adventurers,
  Re: New Dino Sets sighted - first scans!
(...) Hmmm... 5512 - is that the new Timmy-like minifig? Not sure if I like him all that much, but at least it'll be a refreshing variation. 5514 - what's that net piece? Haven't seen it anywhere... (then again, I haven't *pored* over the dino sets, (...) (25 years ago, 22-Jul-00, to lugnet.adventurers,
  New Dino Sets sighted - first scans!
I was VERY surprised today to find new and so far unknown Dino sets in my local toy shop in Germany.... I made some scans, if you're interested please have a look at them: (URL) are similar to Kabaya promo sets and include also a booklet with (...) (25 years ago, 22-Jul-00, to lugnet.adventurers,  
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
(...) web (...) Oh yeah, I just noticed that shipping to the US is DM 80, about $40. I know Ralph Doering was taking orders for these sets, he may be able to do a little better than that. See: (URL) was offering all 4 sets for $65 (including seamail (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
(...) Here is the "webpageshop"'s URL: (URL) Lego is under "Neu" right now, I imagine at some point it will be under "kinderkollektion" at some point. There is a link to the English section, but I didn't see the stuff there, just the terms of sale, (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
(...) Can you give us a URL where the sets are available for sale? I know that I, for one, would be interested in buying them. Does anyone know how long the sets might be in stores? eric (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
(...) Maybe this is still of interest... Right now you can get them in allmost every shop that sells th normal lego stuff, you can also get them from the Deutsche Telekom (They are on their web page-shop, too). Prices are allways 5/10/30/40 DM (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to

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