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  Re: R2-D2 from Target Stores
G'Day Anybody have a line on instructions for these R2's ? Brad ????? Cheers Oliver "Scott Devine" <> wrote in message (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jul-00, to
  Re: scan of German soccer promo set
Hi brickhead, I does nt look like football players. They look like cyclist like they are touring around in France right know. Greetings (25 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to
I am trying to find any info on the Kabaya candy that comes with the promotional LEGO sets. If anyone knows somewhere where these are available (I mean the whole candy/LEGO combo when they come out new) or even how much these cost right when they (...) (25 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
Thanks! later, James Mathis (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
(...) First log into then when you get the setup page click in your browsers address box at the end of the address and type in the filename tourdefrancemediuim.jpg seemed the easiest for me to view. Scott (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to

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