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 Promotional / *386 (-5)
  Re: Shell Promo question
(...) When this promo was in New Zealand you could send away 4 different stickers with an entry form. I think it was the first 1000 got a years free membership to the LEGO club magazine. Allan J Smith -- My LEGO creations site "Allanton NZ" is at (...) (25 years ago, 3-May-00, to
  Re: Shell Promo News
I may have to go through ebay because I haven't seen a shell station in eastern Oklahoma! -Jeremy (...) (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to
  Re: Shell Promo question
(...) When we had the same sets here in 1998, they also contained the numbered stickers. I'm not aware of any useful purpose for them. Grahame (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to
  Shell Promo question
First off I love this lego promo. TLG has hit hard with advertisement, here in southern california there are billboard signs, radio ads, and promotional signage at each shell station. In addition to this my son recieved a postcard alerting him to (...) (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to
  Re: Shell Promo News
Hello Mike, thanks very much for getting this info and posting it... I was hoping I wouldn't have to go through the ebay madness of $60 for the F-1 Ferrari, I'll just wait and hopefully it will be in colorado in November! (...) (25 years ago, 29-Apr-00, to

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