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 Promotional / *376 (-5)
  Re: Even more SHELL info...promotion has begun!!
(...) Same here in Boston MA... the one along Charlesbank rd. (right next to the microcenters) didn't have any, the guy I talked to said he doubts if they'll get to this area. :-\ -Shiri (25 years ago, 14-Apr-00, to
  What´s this new SHELL promo?
Is it just normal sets at lower prices, or special SHELL sets (such as gas stations etc.)? --Tobias (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to
  Re: New McDonalds promo!
(...) eric (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to
  Re: New McDonalds promo!
(...) (URL) Tim Buchheim (25 years ago, 12-Apr-00, to
  Re: New McDonalds promo!
(...) That sounds like set 2757, "Bad Monkey" According to BrickSet, it was a 1999 Happy Meal set in Germany. (URL) Tim Buchheim (25 years ago, 12-Apr-00, to

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