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 Promotional / *1025 (-5)
  Does anyone know anything about this set?
I was in my local K-Mart today, and I came across a small poly-bag set with number 3388 (Island Extreme Stunts, 5+). the set contains 3 pieces creating the following minifig: (URL) There is also what appears to be a 1 page (probably A4) catalogue (...) (21 years ago, 3-Jan-04, to,, lugnet.general,, FTX)
  1552 Sterling Line airplane
Hi everyone, some of you maybe have seen the picture of set 1552 (Sterling Line airplane) on bricklink (posted by Jan.K). I now have a first picture of the builing instructions online. It's nearly exactly the same model as 698 but with a different (...) (21 years ago, 22-Dec-03, to
  The next 4 LLCA Commemorative Duplo Bricks for 2003
I got the passholder newsletter today and it had pictures of the next 4 Duplo Promo Bricks. I have scanned it, here it is: (URL) or, the link if the image does not show: (URL) I LOVE the Halloween and New Years one! I wonder if the back of the (...) (21 years ago, 8-Oct-03, to lugnet.legoland.california,, FTX)
  Re: Forget healthy eating.
The other two are 5012 and 5014 (URL) A" <> wrote in message (...) set for (...) £3-£4. (...) (21 years ago, 8-Sep-03, to,
  Re: New LLC Collectible Brick Program
(...) And I have a scan of the new Bionicle Blaster brick in all its red glory, you can check it out here: (URL) am updating my promo brick list here: (URL) am LOVING this program! I really hope they keep it up next year! Mark P (URL) (21 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to lugnet.legoland.california,

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