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  Re: does anyone has information about this WDR panel?
(...) Hi Gary, thanks for pointing me to that thread! There are indeed interensting news about this set these weeks... Since there was indeed a copy for sale recently, with the panels still sealed in the original LEGO polybags: (URL) (eBay auction (...) (12 years ago, 1-Mar-13, to, FTX)
  Re: does anyone has information about this WDR panel?
(...) Boy answering a 9 year old thread... I just got involved with this one this week with the LEGO Archives and Collections folks in Billund. They are investigating this one. I tend not to think that this was a job done by the WDR TV folks, but (...) (12 years ago, 1-Mar-13, to, FTX)
  I do wish LEGO would sell the promo poly bags again!
I do miss the cheap poly bags! I used to use them as give-away's with my party packs. Now I need to give away figs and small sets to make it happen! Even as a dealer, you cannot purchase them! Dan (14 years ago, 22-Jun-11, to
  10219 Maersk Container train set
The next LEGO Exclusive set for LEGO, Trains, and Maersk fans. LEGO set #10219 Maersk container train. Copyright set year: 2011 Train cars: 3 (1:Engine, 2 freight/flatbed trains cars) LEGO Minifigs: 3 Maersk Truck: 1 Price: N/A Pcs: N/A From LEGO (...) (14 years ago, 23-Jan-11, to lugnet.general, lugnet.trains,, FTX) ! 

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