3-gun Gaff-Rigged Sloop RTS Am-a-realego
This a a Gaff-Rigged Sloop like the Black Pearl-lite
in the RTS (Republic of Texas Ship) colors, with my now infamous black and white
electricians tape on the small brown bow and stern.
(why infamous? see
http://eurobricks.hosting.ipsyn.com/euroforum/index.php?showtopic=6140 )
Maybe I should give a yall building instructions! If any of you wanted them. So
that you could make one for yourselves.
Unlike many, OK - most of my MOCs, this one doesnt require much in the way of
parts! I got to believe many of you have a extra set of small bow & stern.
The gallery is at.
What do I like with what I did with this MOC?, I like that she has a spinnaker
boom. I like my bronze swivel guns. I like that I the used the gun ports in the
bow to lower the attachment points of the far forward masts rigging. I like the
rake of the mast. I love the fairness of her lines ( how? wedge sloped
http://www.peeron.com/cgi-bin/invcgis/psearch?query=wedge+sloped&limit=none )!
Shes the baby of the family
the rest:
Austin, TX
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