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 Pirates / 4503
4502  |  4504
Tue, 2 Jan 2007 15:32:13 GMT
18258 times
Some of you may have noticed the semi-recent appearance of the brand Cobi/Best-Lock on shelves at nearby stores. Toys R Us is, so far, the largest carrier of the brand in the US, though at least one set has appeared at KB Toys, and an arm of the Cobi/Best-Lock company distributed construction toys through Sears/KMart as part of the Just Kidz in-store product line. The quality of the Just Kidz stuff isn’t the greatest, but it’s pretty good. I’m not thrilled with the minifigs, but the accessories, bricks, and great piece:price ratio makes them worthwhile AFAIC.

Perhaps of greatest interest in this forum is the Pirates theme. I don’t have a full set-count to give you, but at least two different ships have made their way onto shelves recently. The standard retail price is $19.99 for 450 pieces, and the plastic and minifigs are of very good quality, certainly on par with LEGO. You may also get lucky and stumble onto an apparently widesepread pricing error; I picked up several copies of the Black Galleon @ $2.20 each, though neighboring sets in the product line were listed at the full $19.99 price. The only downside (and it’s a big one, I admit) is that the sails are cheap mylar and preposterously flimsy. But check out the minifigs in any case!

Pirate crew
(The beard on the second guy from the left snaps into a little notch on the face--a clever innovation IMO!)

Reverse view


You’ll note that the noses on these figures actually protrude from the heads, which I believe is new among clone brands. Mega Bloks offers a wide range of sculpted heads, but these Pirates are the first I’ve seen that add a nose to a standard-shape minifig head.

Nifty stuff, though YMMV of course...


FUT. ot.clone-brands only

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Cobi/Best-Lock
In lugnet.pirates, Dave Schuler wrote: But check out the (...) Wow. I admit I haven't been following Best-Lock at all, but isn't this insanely close to copyright violation for the "likeness" of the minifig? Have their figs always been so (...) (18 years ago, 2-Jan-07, to, FTX)

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