Re: USS Constitution
Sun, 6 Jun 2004 22:16:31 GMT
5567 times
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In lugnet.announce.moc, Ben Fleskes wrote:
Always wanted to build a model ship out of LEGO:
Cool, Ben! Lots of details, inside and out. It appears to be around 1:48
scale; were you pretty meticulous to actual details in your rendition?
(translation: how close did you approach the status of rivet counter:-)
I must say, however, that I think I like your
other MOC better
than the ship! (Congratulations:-)
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: USS Constitution
| I knew I wanted to get the number of cannons correct so I worked off of that. I originally built a cross section of the hull in three different scales before choosing the final scale. I reckon it's closer to 1:72 or 1:60 scale in terms of the ships (...) (20 years ago, 7-Jun-04, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
| | USS Constitution
| Always wanted to build a model ship out of LEGO: (2 URLs) Click the picture or: (URL) The ship features two decks below, one top side, 54 LEGO cannons, removable deck plates to check out the inside. The entire models breaks into three sections to (...) (20 years ago, 6-Jun-04, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle, FTX) !!
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