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Re: Those openings in bow pieces...
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 23:51:16 GMT
1467 times
In lugnet.pirates, Richie Dulin writes:

Both types of hull bow pieces have roughly 2x2 opeings in them.... what are
they for?

I originally thought they were either cannon ports or openings for anchors,
but the official LEGO models I've seen use them for neither.

It is possible, though awkward, to use one as a cannon port, but I haven't
found a satisfactory way to mount a 2x2 flag (or anything else, for that
matter) as a gunport lid.

I've plugged them with inverse slopes on my larger ships (with contrasting
2x3s to form the anchor point for the ratlines, or with hull-coloured 2x2s
and left as part of the hull).

They seem too low to be left open on a large ship...

Any ideas on why they're there, what they should be used for, how to mount a
gun port lid over them, or how to plug them neatly?


Richie Dulin

No idea, but I have used them for cannon ports and windows.  You could
probably ask similar questions for practicly any large Lego piece.  Maybe
their just their for decoration?


Message is in Reply To:
  Those openings in bow pieces...
Ahoy, Both types of hull bow pieces have roughly 2x2 opeings in them.... what are they for? I originally thought they were either cannon ports or openings for anchors, but the official LEGO models I've seen use them for neither. It is possible, (...) (23 years ago, 17-Jul-02, to lugnet.pirates)

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