Re: Those openings in bow pieces...
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 23:30:33 GMT
1449 times
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In lugnet.pirates, Richie Dulin writes:
> Ahoy,
> Both types of hull bow pieces have roughly 2x2 opeings in them.... what are
> they for?
> I originally thought they were either cannon ports or openings for anchors,
> but the official LEGO models I've seen use them for neither.
> It is possible, though awkward, to use one as a cannon port, but I haven't
> found a satisfactory way to mount a 2x2 flag (or anything else, for that
> matter) as a gunport lid.
In both early models of ships, the cannons are placed at the same level of
the holes; these might have been initially planned for that (bow cannon
ports), given the difference in height of the bow piece when compared to the
hull sections (ie, a hole had to be open in the bow section to allow a
cannon at that level). After some further development, LEGO designers might
have abandoned the idea due to its difficult implementation, but the already
designed molds were retained and used.
> I've plugged them with inverse slopes on my larger ships (with contrasting
> 2x3s to form the anchor point for the ratlines, or with hull-coloured 2x2s
> and left as part of the hull).
> They seem too low to be left open on a large ship...
Compare with the cannon levels in those early models (bsb is one).
If you think "galleon", maybe not; they were known to have very low
gunports, in their spanish version, which often flooded...
For later types of ships, ie ship-of-the-line, it may be less accurate. So
it may be more a question of "what kind of ship".
> Any ideas on why they're there, what they should be used for, how to mount a
> gun port lid over them, or how to plug them neatly?
Nope. They are not that noticeable in a very detailed ship, though - never
mind the hole if you cannot cover it.
I have had the BSB since late 1989, and only noticed that the holes were
there *unused* some 4 years later... :-)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Those openings in bow pieces...
| Ahoy, Both types of hull bow pieces have roughly 2x2 opeings in them.... what are they for? I originally thought they were either cannon ports or openings for anchors, but the official LEGO models I've seen use them for neither. It is possible, (...) (23 years ago, 17-Jul-02, to lugnet.pirates)
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