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Re: teen FOLs: do we actually exist?
Mon, 31 Jan 2005 18:55:20 GMT
5047 times
1x1 Lever...Sounds Good!

So, 1x1 Lever, used in a vignette style scene? Or just 1x1 lever?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: teen FOLs: do we actually exist?
(...) We could have a 1 x 1 lever contest with Vignettes as a subcategory. That way, no one is specifically limited, but at the same time, the Vignette category prevents anyone with a small collection from getting pwnzr'd or whatever by the (...) (20 years ago, 31-Jan-05, to lugnet.people.teens, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: teen FOLs: do we actually exist?
(...) I've had my think, and only one part keeps coming back to me (drumroll please) 1 x 1 Lever! I think its perfect, mostly everyone has at least ONE, if not hundreds. And its not as bad as the 2 x 4 (or the like), either. But if anyone else has (...) (20 years ago, 31-Jan-05, to lugnet.people.teens, FTX)

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