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Re: Lego Road Trip of TN, GA, SC, NC, VA, NY
Wed, 7 May 2003 21:42:28 GMT
1360 times
Hey! Sounds like a great itinerary.

I'd love to meet you in Charleston, If it'd be ok. I live in Columbia,
but fate would have it that I have a 5pm appointment in Charleston on
the 12th!


On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 03:40  PM, Kevin Salm wrote:

Hello friends. I have been busy planning and preparing for a Lego road
trip that begins tommorrow and will last about 10 days.

I will be traveling through Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North
Virginia, and New York. The primary reason for this trip is to visit
the huge
Lego Train display by three Lego Train clubs at the Chattanooga NMRA

After the train show ends, I will visit my sister in Atlanta. Then I
will be
off on a mad dash to visit Mark Millere and family in South Carolina.
will be stops to visit Lugnet members Joe Meno and Cark Clark in North
and Nate Jacobs in Virginia and possibly Wayne Sardullo in New York.
Then it
will be back home. A total trip of about 2400 miles!

Wish me luck and pray for my safe travels over the next 10 days.

If this trip goes well, I would like to do a similar trip in July or
August to
Pennnsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan to visit even
more Lego
enthusiasts in their own private Lego realms.

__Kevin Salm__
Lego Users of Central New York

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego Road Trip of TN, GA, SC, NC, VA, NY
Hello friends. I have been busy planning and preparing for a Lego road trip that begins tommorrow and will last about 10 days. I will be traveling through Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and New York. The primary reason (...) (22 years ago, 7-May-03, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.people)

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