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  Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
(...)'s like Dilbert come to, is their excuse that we have the constructive abilities of a pickle? or that we simply have the MIND of a pickle? Mabye the next time they refute the 10:1 scale Death Star, remind them that they (...) (22 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to lugnet.people)
  Re: The Construction Abilities of a Pickle
(...) One thing I was surprised to learn, is that one of the single most important factors in set design is the age rating on the side of the box. If it says for instance "8-12" on the box cover, then Marketing goes out and grabs a bunch of (...) (22 years ago, 5-Mar-03, to lugnet.people)
  Re: The Construction Abilities of a Pickle
(...) Just reminded me-- this may have been a fluke somewhere, but this set: (URL) had its age range change from 2001 to 2002! Also of note, it changed its piece count too (and various other box-art-tidbits). I'll have to check the boxes to see what (...) (22 years ago, 5-Mar-03, to lugnet.people)

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